Sunday with the Champions

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I am barely a football fan, but I love watching games with the boys, and now, shooting games as well.
My boy's team is playing in the Hong Kong trophy last Sunday, but their communication girl couldn't go take pictures, so I went instead -- with my new camera and lens. Well, you don't always want to be the back up, but sometimes it is fine.
That was a very exciting day --- they had 7 games, and lots of fun as well. And of course, they won! And and and, wait for it --- the prize is --- they are flying to Liverpool in May for the big game in the Liverpool Stadium! Anyone is a fan of Liverpool? They might get to see the players and train with them. I am so happy and proud of them!

Alternative Weekends -- Hong Kong Bird Market

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hong Kong is one of the cities that can offer everything one is looking for in a city -- nice weather, easy access to beach, mountain, and chilling out islands, unique local culture, lively nightlife, bling-bling buildings, interesting people, and the list can go on and on. Although I do complain a lot about the life pace and narrow streets, I still enjoy it here.
Old Chinese wisdom has it that flowers are always more beautiful in outsiders' eyes. I think it is totally true. I am not local in Hong Kong, that is why I really appreciate the everyday life scenes here.

Here are the pictures from last weekend -- we took a little walk around the bird market, which is right next to the flower market and lady market in Mong Kok. This is one of the most lovely local neighborhood in Hong Kong. You will have to go there if you ever come to Hong Kong.
Happy Easter to everyone! Any plan for the holiday?
old-school ping pong table in the park
Chinese Chess gathering on Saturday Morning
Talking Parrot =) But no english

Do you have a secret box?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Do you have a secret box?

Where you hide all postcards, love letters and old pictures ... No matter how many times you have moved, from one city to another, you never throw them away. And sometimes you don't even remember they existed, but when you found them at the bottom of the suitcase under your bed, you will be so happy and just sit there and read and remember the good old times, don't even remember what you were doing before. It is like a magical time traveller's box.

I am glad that I have a box like that.

Crafts: old bottle truned vase

   After =)

Under the Sun

Happy Spring

The weather is extremely nice today in Hong Kong. I am trilled. After a long lingered gloomy cloudy winter. Finally, we see some sunshine.

And flower market is definitely among the first to feel this energy.

A perfect Saturday morning should start with sunshine and flower shopping, just like today.

Happy Weekend!

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