Easy and Yummy Eggs

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Making nice food has always been a mind-easing activity for me, like painting nails. Yesterday was a tough day, and I very much needed something to empty my mind. So I did both.

My nails are pink now. And in terms of food, I made egg - simple but classic.
If I had a list of cheerful food, sunny side up eggs would definitely be on it. I love eating and looking at the perfectly made ones -- with perfect shape, perfect color, and the egg yolks have to remain runny. But much as I loved it, I always hesitate to make it. ( I am not super patient generally) So I was very happy that I did it yesterday, and it really cheered me up!

The recipe for the second "egg sandwich" is from this post in A Cup of Jo. I was totally tempted the first time I saw it. And especially because it looks so doable and friendly. So, I made it for my friend last night. She loved it. There is no real tips on making this one, the only thing you need to keep in mind is to eat it Right Away! Better eat it before serving. There will be melting cheese coming out! You know what I mean.

On the side, we had some grilled nuts, garlic baguette, fruits and vegetables.

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